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GN-Info No. 7 (02/96)

Editor: Prof. Dr. med. T. Risler,
Editorial Office: Dr. N. Braun, Ms B. Hipp

Number 7, February 1996

The printed version of the GN-Info was distributed by the end of February. Unfortunately, the planned electronic and translated version is not available since there is an acute lack of time and staff. We appologize!
The editors.

GN-Info No. 6 (09/95)

Number 6, September 1995

Short version

6. Lübecker Rheumatology Workshop

Meeting of the European Centres for Investigation and Treatment of Vascultitis

In September, 1995 there was a workshop about diagnosis and treatment of vasculitis held in Hamburg, Germany. Clinicians and researchers from Europe discussed the main topics and outlined the relationale and concept of the European Systemic Vasculitis Trial. The CGTS is currently discussing its role in this EU research programme.

ANCA-associated Vascultitis. From standard diagnosis and therapy to the European Multicentre Study ( ECSYSVASTRIAL )
Hamburg, Hotel ELYSEE, 2. 9. 95

We publish contact addresses for ECSYSVASTRIAL

For the Collaborative Glomerulonephritis Therapy Study Group (CGTS) please contact:

(Member of the German Steering Committee)
Universität Düsseldorf.

1) Abteilung für Klinische Rheumatologie der Med. Universität zu Lübeck

Rheumaklinik Bad Bramstedt,Oskar-Alexander-Str. 26,24572 Bad Bramstedt,Prof Dr. W. L. Gross, Tel.: 04192 902576, Fax: 04192902389, Dr. E. Reinhold-Keller, Tel.: 04192902577, Fax: 04515003531, Dr. E. Tatsis, Dr. A. Roth, Tel.: 04192902742, Fax: 04192902385, Hr. M. Mühler, Dr. K. de Groot, Tel.: 04515002368, Fax: 04515003650,

2) Prof Dr. K. Andrassy, Universität Heidelberg/Sektion, Nephrologie, Bergheimer Str. 56a, Tel.: 0622191120, Fax: 06221162476, 69115 Heidelberg

3) Dr. N. Rasmussen (NORAM), Department of Otolaryngology, University of Copenhagen, Rigshospitalet, Blegdamsvej 9, Tel.: 4535452278, Fax: 4535452690, DK 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark

4) Prof C. Pusey (MEPEX), Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Renal Unit, Hammersmith Hospital, Du Cane Road, Tel.: 44817403152, Fax: 44817462410, London, W12 ONN, UK

5) Dr. D.R.W. Jayne (CYCAZAREM), Department of Medicine, Level 5, School of Clinical Medicine, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Hills Road, Tel.: 44223 336744, Fax: 44223411052, Cambridge CB2 2QQ, UK

6) Prof van der Woude (WARCRY), Department of Nephrology, University Hospital Leiden, Rijnsburgerweg 10, Tel.: 3171262148, Fax: 3171248188, NL-2333 AA Leiden, Holland

7) Prof C.M. Loockwood, Department of Medicine, Level 5, School of Clinical Medicine, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Hills Road, Tel.: 44223 336741, Fax: 44223411052, Cambridge CB2 2QQ, UK

(Stand 02.09.95)

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